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Health Screening //

An early warning is a vital factor when it comes to the treatment of certain health conditions. 

Barrow Clinic conducts health screening for certain conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular health, respiratory health etc.

A comprehensive screening, report and healthy lifestyle advice is provided to all individuals.

What's involved?  //
What to Expect? //

Initial Anthropometry Measurements

Full Detailed Report

Blood Pressure & Pulse Measurements

Lung Function Test

Blood Sugar Test

Lifestyle Assessment

Cardiovascular Fitness

Screening takes a minimum of 1 hour and costs €40. 

Clients will be assessed for all major contributing factors to poor health such as lung function, blood measurements, anthropometry body measurements etc.

Major health insurance providers offer reimbursement for many services, subject to individual plans.  

For more information or to discuss bookings, contact Allison on 085 7306 808.

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